Know that to sell an electric car, the technical control is mandatory, unless it is less than 4 years old or if the seller is a professional. On the other hand, the counter-visit is not. You can indeed buy the car in the state and take the repairs at your expense knowingly. In this case, you will have to negotiate so that the costs are distributed at best. Of course, if a cons-visit is planned, the technical inspection must be less than 2 months.
Is it a first, second or third-hand vehicle? Several successive owners are as many risks that the car has been abused, even if sometimes only one is enough. Too frequent owner changes can also be linked to recurring mechanical problems.
Is the price negotiable? A categorical number does not mean that the car is really worth the asking price. It can be an argument to make you believe. Ditto if the seller urges you to come to see the electric cars for sale in san diego on the pretext that several potential buyers are on the line. Are you saying that if this were the case, the vehicle would already be sold?
After hanging up the phone
Do not stop at one ad! Even if the offer is interesting, an electric car is rarely a unique piece, it is better to compare several offers.
Moderate your enthusiasm! By showing you too interested, you may not benefit from the best conditions to negotiate the price. That is why if the vehicle seems to fit your expectations, it is best to give you time to think before calling the seller to ask him some additional questions to show him that you have inquired in the meantime. Do not lose as the purchase of a used vehicle begins with a negotiation phase between two parties with diametrically opposed interests: the seller wants to get the best possible price from his vehicle and as quickly as the buyer wants to get the lowest rate.
Ask to see and try the car. Once you have agreed with the seller and you have got the answers to your questions, it’s time to go see the vehicle. If you’re not sure, have a close connoisseur. He will be able to advise you and you will have the strength of the number for you. Before trying the vehicle, examine it carefully! Everything must be scrutinized: the bodywork, the bonnet interior, the engine, the meter, the tires, etc. Ideally, set the appointment during the day, any defects are more visible in broad daylight.
Finally, go for a ride with the electric cars for sale in san diego. The essential element of the choice of the vehicle, the road test must be taken very seriously. This is precisely what will allow you to ensure the proper operation of the vehicle, including on different roads