Do you ever think about how your grandparents may have used the phrase “back in my day…” and associate it with your own childhood memories? Well, a lot has changed since our childhood, especially when it comes to playground equipment.
- If you have ever played on a seesaw in the twentieth century, you are aware of the dangers of dismounting too rapidly. A seesaw was once attached to a central pole and could sink right into the asphalt or grass underneath it. When one rider jumped off, the other could hear a loud thump.
- New seesaws contain seats and a centring system to assist prevents sudden impact with the ground. They also do not necessitate riders coordinating their motions to play.
- Early slides were primarily composed of metal and had a steep inclination with shallow side rails. As a result of this design, children were at a significantly increased danger of tipping over or tumbling down the slide. And, of course, when exposed to sunlight, these metal slides may quickly reach temperatures high enough to inflict significant burns.
- There are now guidelines in place to guarantee that metal slides are adequately shaded from the sun’s rays. Slides constructed of durable coloured plastic, which helps to minimise surface warmth, are becoming more widespread.
Playground equipment has evolved significantly over the years to offer safe fun for everybody. Whether your school or community group’s playground is outdated, or you want to add inclusive play equipment for children with special needs you can do with kids furniture play.