Anxiety has many different forms and every forms and stages needs different kind of treatment. Almost half of the population in today’s word are suffering from anxiety, this is due to many different reasons. Stress, anxiety, depression are all sort of same issues. Each one has its unique characteristics and treatments. Before taking any kid of medicine make sure that what kind of issue you have and what will be the best treatment for that. According to many people, natural supplements are the best medicine for all kind of problems.
Lemon balm:
There are many people who love to use this, it greatly helps you to reduce the anxiety and stress. You can get this lemon balm as tea powder, capsules and in many other forms. It has very lower side effects but if you take in an excess amount it will be dangerous for your health, hence try to start taking it from a low dosage and gradually increase it.
Fish oil:
It is very safe for many people who are consuming it in low doses. It is advised not to intake more than three grams a day. If you are allergic with sea food then it is better not to take this oil. There are some of the common symptoms like bad breath, vomiting, loose stole and vomiting. these are some of the side effects of taking this. If you have any of this then it is better to consult a doctor.
CBD oil:
This is extracted from a herb and is very safe to use. CBD oil is generally used for many health issues. There is no side effects by using this. If you don’t know about this oil you can search online. There are many resources available where you can get to know about this oil in depth.
These are some of the natural supplements which will be really helpful for you to get rid of anxiety. There are also some common easy ways to reduce this stress is by doing yog or exercise in a regular basis. You can also have 30 minutes of walk a day. These things will help you to relax your body and mind in a great extend. Being fresh and relaxed is the best ways to reduce stress and tension. If you are get rid of the stress and tension you will probably reduce the risk of anxiety.